1 graphs

for more, see semester 1

1.1 notation

G = (V, E)

1.2 connectivity

k \le \kappa(G) \le \kappa'(G) \le \delta(G)

1.2.1 trail

A sequence of vertices and edges that are connected in a graph G. (v_o, e_1, v_1, e_2, \cdots, e_n, v_n).

  1. If all vertices in a trail are different, then it is called a path
  2. If v_0 = v_n in a trail, then it is called a closed trail
  3. If v_0 = v_n in a path, then it is called a cycle

1.2.2 cut vertex

In a connected graph G, G - v would result in a disconnected graph.

A set of vertices V' \subseteq V(G) is a cut set if the graph G - V' is disconnected.

A set of edges E' \subseteq V(G) is a edge cut set if the graph G - E' is disconnected.

1.2.3 edge connectivity \kappa'(G)

  1. the cardinality of a smallest edge cut set if G \ne K_1
  2. 0 if G=K_1

1.2.4 independent path

When a set of paths do not share an inner vertex.

1.2.5 |G| \ge 3

Then these conditions are equivalent:

1.3 Euler tours and trails

A connected graph G is Eulerian iff the degree of every vertex in G is even

1.3.1 algorithm for constructing euler tours

  1. choose any vertex
  2. choose an new edge that is not a bridge (if no choice, then the bridge edge)
  3. move to the new vertex
  4. repeat step 2 and 3 until done

1.4 traveling salesman

Finding an Hamiltonian path of minimal distance in a weighted graph

To find the optimal solution brute force has to be used. There is, however, an algorithm that finds in the worst case a twice longer solution than the optimal one but in a much faster time:

  1. Find minimum spanning tree T of G
  2. Duplicate each edge in T to create a multigraph T'
  3. Find any Euler tour S in T'
  4. Return a Hamiltonian cycle C whose consecutive vertices are vertices of G written in order of first appearance in the tour S

1.5 bipartite


1.5.1 matching

A graph is called matching when every component is isomorphic to K_2

1.6 edge coloring

Each edge is colored by a color c \in C. A k-coloring of a graph is when |C| = k

1.6.1 good

We say a k-coloring of edges is called good when no two edges with a common vertex share a color

1.6.2 chromatic index

\chi'(G) the smallest k needed for a good edge coloring of a graph

\chi'(C_n) = \begin{cases} 2 &\text{ if } n \text{ is even} \\ 3 &\text{ if } n \text{ is odd} \\ \end{cases}

\chi'(K_n) = \begin{cases} n &\text{ if } n \text{ is odd} \\ n-1 &\text{ if } n \text{ is even} \\ \end{cases}

\chi'(\text{bipartite graph}) = \Delta(\text{bipartite graph})

1.7 multigraph

When multiple edges between v and u are allowed.

1.7.1 multiplicity

\mu(G) is the maximum number of edges joining two vertices in G

1.7.2 Vizing theorem

\Delta(G) \le \chi'(G) \le \Delta(G) + \mu(G)

1.7.3 Shannon theorem

\Delta(G) \le \chi'(G) \le \frac{3}{2} \Delta(G)

1.8 vertex coloring

Each vertex is colored by a color c \in C. A k-coloring of a graph is when |C| = k

1.8.1 good

We say a k-coloring of vertices is called good when no two vertices with a common edge share a color

1.8.2 independent

A set of vertices S \in V(G) is called independent if no two vertices from S share an edge

1.8.3 chromatic number

\chi(G) the smallest k needed for a good vertex coloring of a graph

\chi(G) \le \Delta(G) + 1

1.8.4 Brooks theorem

If G is a connected graph and is not complete nor an odd cycle then \chi(G) \le \Delta(G)

1.8.5 clique

A clique is a subgraph such that every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent (complete subgraphs)

w(G) is the cardinality of the largest clique in G

\chi(G) \ge w(G)

1.8.6 Dezartes

For all k > 2 there exists a graph G such that \chi(G) = k and w(G)=2

1.9 Planar graphs

A multigraph is planar on a plane iff it is planar on a sphere

The planar representation is denoted by \tilde{G}

1.9.1 faces

Regions in \tilde{G}

F(\tilde{G}) = \{f_1, f_2, \cdots, f_n\} - set of faces of \tilde{G}

\phi (\tilde{G}) = |F(\tilde{G})| - number of faces of \tilde{G}

1.9.2 incident

A face f is incident with an edge e if e belongs to the border of f

1.9.3 degree

A degree of a face is the amount of edges incident to it deg(f) (bridges are counted twice)

1.9.4 dual multigraph G^*

V(G^*) = \{f^* : f \text{ is a face in } G\} = \{f^*:f \in F(G)\}

For every edge which is incident with faces f and g we define an edge in G^*: e^* = f^*g^* \in E(G) properties

  1. |G^*| = \phi(\tilde{G})
  2. |E(G^*)| = |E(\tilde{G})|
  3. \deg_{G^*} f^* = \deg_{\tilde{G}} f
  4. \sum_{f \in F(G)} \deg_{\tilde{G}} = 2|E(\tilde G)|
  5. Dual multigraphs of different planar representations of a graph can be non-isomorphic
  6. G^* is planar
  7. If \tilde G is connected, G^{**} is isomorphic to \tilde G

1.9.5 Euler formula

|\tilde G| - |E(\tilde G)| + \phi(\tilde G) = 2 corollary

1.10 subdivision

1.10.1 of an edge

A subdivision of an edge uv \in E(G) is an operation of replacing this edge with any uv path whose internal vertices are not in G

1.10.2 of a graph

If H was obtained from subdivision of some edges of G then H is a subdivision of G.

H is planar iff G is planar

1.10.3 Kuratowski

A graph is planar iff it does not contain a subdivision of K_5 or K_{3,3}

1.11 Mobius

Any political map can be colored with 4 colors (coloring of states)

If a graph is planar then \chi(G) \le 4

1.12 perfect matching

A matching that contains all vertices of G is called a perfect matching

1.13 covered vertex

A matching M covers a vertex from G if the vertex is in M

1.14 neighbor set

N_G(X) denotes the set of all neighbors of all vertices in X

1.15 Hall theorem


There exists a matching in G covering the set X iff \forall_{S \subseteq X} |N_G(S)| \ge |S|

1.16 Systems of distinct representatives

Let A_i \subseteq X where i \in \{1, 2, \cdots, n\}. Then (a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n) is called a system of distinct representatives if

  1. a_i \in A_i
  2. a_i \ne a_j for all i \ne j

1.16.1 Hall theorem restated

(A_1, A_2, \cdots, A_n) as a system of distinct representatives iff

\forall_{I \subseteq \{1, 2, \cdots, n\}}\ \big|\bigcup_{i \in I} A_i \big| \ge |I|

1.17 vertex cover

A set of vertices such that every edge in the graph contains a vertex from this set.

1.18 Konig theorem

Let G be a bipartite graph

The number of edges in a largest matching in G is equal to the cardinality of a smallest vertex cover.

1.19 Dilworth theorem

(P, \preccurlyeq) - finite poset

The minimum number of chains covering P is equal to the maximum cardinality of an antichain of P

1.20 Ramsey theorem

R(m, k)

\forall m, k \in \mathbf{Z}\ \exists n_0 such that for every integer n \ge n_0 and every coloring of edges of the complete graph K_n with two colors (red and blue) there is a clique (complete subgraph) K_m whose all edges are colored with blue or a clique K_k whose all edges are colored red.

1.20.1 known Ramsey numbers

m \backslash k 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 6 9 14 18 23 28 36
4 18 25 ? ? ? ?
5 ? ? ? ? ?

1.20.2 application in posets

In any poset with at least rs + 1 elements there is either a chain of length r + 1 or an antichain of length s + 1

1.20.3 Erdos, Szeberes theorem

In any sequence of n \ge rs + 1 different real numbers there is an increasing subsequence of length r + 1 or a decreasing subsequence of length s + 1