context free languages (CFL) -
- CFL is closed under union, concatenation, and
Kleene closure
- CFL is not closed under intersection and
CFL \subset CSL
CSL’s normal form where \delta_1 = \delta_2
= \epsilon is a context free grammar.
Equivalence of classes
Equivalent are classes of finite automata, regular expressions,
regular grammars
Myhill-Nerode Theorem
The following conditions are equivalent:
- L \in \Sigma^* is accepted by some
- L is union of some equivalence
classes of some equivalence relation \rho of finite index which is
- R_L has finite index
1. \implies 2.
Assume that A=(Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0,
F) is DFA and accepts L. Let
x, y \in \Sigma^*, x \rho y \equiv \text{ computation for both ends in
the same state }. It is an equivalence relation, has finite
index, and is right-invariant.
2. \implies 3.
x \rho y \implies x R_L y. Each
equivalence class of \rho is included
in some equivalence class of R_L. If
two languages are related then they are in the same equivalence class
and thus are both inside or both outside of L.
3. \implies 1.
Assume that A=(Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0,
F) is DFA and accepts L.
- q_0 \equiv q_{[\epsilon]}
- F states labeled by classes
included in the language
- \delta(q_{[\epsilon]}, a) =
q_{[wa]} where w \in \Sigma^*
and a \in \Sigma
inner operations in regular
- union, concatenation, Kleene closure
- +, \circ, ^* -
operations on regular expressions are the corresponding operations on
- complement, intersection
Let L_1 and L_2 be regular languages. Let A_k = (Q_k, \Sigma, \delta_k, q_0^k, F_k) be
their automaton.
- \bar A_k = (Q_k, \Sigma, \delta_k, q_0^k,
Q_k \backslash F_k) accepts \bar
- A_1 \times A_2 = (Q_1 \times Q_2, \Sigma,
(\delta_1, \delta_2), (q_0^1, q_0^2), F_1 \times F_2) accepts
L_1 \cap L_2
- The class of finite automata is equivalent to the class of regular
- The class of finite automata is equivalent to the class of regular
RgL \subsetneq CFL
- Finite automata are special cases of push down automata.
- Regular grammars are special cases of context free grammars.
- L = \text{same amount of 'a' as
'b'} - it is context free but not regular
CSL \subsetneq RkL
Let G = (V, T, P, S). Let V = \{v_1, \cdots, v_m\}, T = \{t_1, \cdots, t_n\}.