1 contact info

1.1 Introduction to AI

1.1.1 Jerzy Balicki (lectures)

📧 j.balicki@mini.pw.edu.pl


⏲ Wednesday 17:15-19:00 room 403 or MS teams

1.2 Differential geometry

1.2.1 Jan Spalinski (lectures & tutorials)

📧 jan.spalinski@pw.edu.pl

🌐 https://pages.mini.pw.edu.pl/~spalinskij/www/?Differential_Geometry

⏲ contact on teams

1.3 Computer graphics

1.3.1 Pawel Aszklar (lectures)

📧 pawel.aszklar@pw.edu.pl

🌐 http://pages.mini.pw.edu.pl/~aszklarp/cg.php

⏲ contact on teams, Monday 14:00

1.3.2 Piotr Pełka (tutorials)


🌐 pages.mini.pw.edu.pl/~pelkap/en/teaching/CG1/

1.4 Linux for embedded systems

1.4.1 Wojciech Zabołotny (lectures&labs)

📧 wojciech.zabolotny@pw.edu.pl (add [LINES] in the subject)


⏲ room 225, EiTI

1.5 Introduction to natural language processing

1.5.1 Agnieszka Jastrzębska (lectures)


🌐 https://ajastrzebska.mini.pw.edu.pl

1.5.2 Tomasz Piechula (tutorials)


🌐 nltk.org/book

1.6 French M5/A2

1.6.1 Anna Leśniewska (tutorials)

📧 anna.lesniewska@pw.edu.pl


⏲ teams friday 8:30-9:15

📧 : e-mail

🌐 : website

⏲ : office hours