1 algorithms

1.1 covering

A covering U of X is a collection of nonempty subsets of X such that X is the union of the sets in U.

The covering of X is given by the sets X = \bigcup_{i=1}^n U_i

1.2 nerve

The nerve of U is an abstract simplicial complex (V_U, \Sigma_U) where V_U = \{1, \cdots, n\} and \Sigma_U consists of all nonempty collections \{i_0, \cdots, i_s\} in V_U such that

U_{i_0} \cap \cdots \cap U_{i_s} \ne \emptyset

We denote the nerve construction by N(U)

1.2.1 nerve lemma

Suppose we are given an open covering of a topological space X in Euclidean space

X = \bigcup_{i=1}^n U_i

if each of the intersections U_{i_0} \cap \cdots \cap U_{i_s} is either empty or contractible1 then X is homotopy equivalent to N(U).

1.3 Mapper construction

Given a point cloud X and a covering U of X we can use the nerve asa model of the data. By using a low dimensional skeleton we can embed the result in \mathbb R^2 or \mathbb R^3.

The Mapper is a way of encoding the above idea.

Let f: X \to \mathbb R be a continuous map where X is a topological space. Given x, x' \in X we let x \simeq x' if

  1. f(x) = f(x')
  2. x and x' belong to the same connected component of f^{-1}(f(x))

1.3.1 Reeb graph

The Reeb graph R(f) is the quotient of X by this equivalence relation.

Let f: X \to B be a continuous map and U = \{U_1, \cdots, U_n\} be a finite open covering of B. For each \alpha \in \{1, \cdots, b\} we may consider the collection of connected components of f^{-1}(U_\alpha) given the subspace topology. They are open sets in X and we will denote the covering consisting of all of them by U^{Reeb}(f).

The nerve of U^{Reeb}(f) is equipped with a natural map of chain complexes:

N(U^{Reeb}(f)) \to N(U)

To apply the above to a point cloud, we replace connected components by some clustering algorithm.

  1. contractible - homotopy equivalent to a single point↩︎