1 concrete complexity

1.1 decision trees

They compute functions f: \{0, 1\}^n \to \{0, 1\}

D(f) = \text{least height of a DT computing } f

1.1.1 certificates

Partial assignment \rho \in \{0, 1, *\} is a certificate for x \in \{0, 1\}^n if

C(f, x) = \text{least size of certificate for } x


C_b(f) = \max_{x: f(x) = b} C(f, x)

C(f) = \max_x C(f, x) = \max\{C_0(f), C_1(f)\}

C(f) \le D(f)

C_1(f) = \text{least } k \text{ such that } f \text{ can be written as } k\text{-DNF}

C_0(f) = \text{least } k \text{ such that } f \text{ can be written as } k\text{-CNF}

D(f) \le C_1(f)C_0(f) \le C^2(f)

1.1.2 sensitivity

Let x^{(i)} be x but with x_i flipped. Then

s(f, x) = |\{i : f(x) \ne f(x^{(i)})\}|

s(f) = \max_x s(f, x)

s(f) \le C(f)

D(f) \le s^k(f) \text{ for some } k block sensitivity

bs(f, x) = max k of disjoint B_1, \cdots, B_k \subseteq [n] such that f(x) \ne f(x^{B_i})

C(f) \le s(f) \cdot bs(f)

1.2 proof complexity

1.2.1 proof system

For any language L the proof system is a TM P that on input \langle x, \pi \rangle runs in time (|x| + |\pi|)^{O(1)} such that

x \in L \iff \exists_\pi P(x, \pi) = 1

1.2.2 propositional proof system

When L \in \mathsf{UNSAT}

P \text{ is poly bounded} \iff \forall_{x\in\mathsf{UNSAT}} \exists_\pi |\pi| \le |x|^{O(1)} P(x, \pi) = 1

\mathsf{NP} = \mathsf{coNP} \iff \exists \text{poly-bounded proof system}

1.2.3 resolution proof system

A resolution refutation proof of \phi is (C_1, \cdots, C_s) where C_s = \emptyset and for all i either C_i is a clause of \phi or C_i = A \lor B is obtained from C_j=A\lor x, C_{j'} = B \lor \neg x j, j' < i resolution rule:

\frac{A \lor x \quad B \lor \neg x}{A \lor B}

Resolution is not poly-bounded.

1.2.4 tree-like

A proof is tree like if the underlying DAG is a tree. Then \phi \in \mathsf{UNSAT} defines Search(\phi), where \phi has n variables. Given x \in \{0, 1\}^n return the clause C of \phi where C(x) = 0.

Tree-like refutation is the same as a decision tree solving Search.

1.2.5 tree-vs-adversary game

In each round:

Game ends when Tree solves Search.

If there exists an adversary that can score \le r points then the decision tree’s size is \ge 2^r

1.3 communication complexity

Given two players we want to know the cost (number of exchanged bits) needed to compute the function f: \{0, 1\}^n \times \{0, 1\}^n \to \{0, 1\} where each player has one half of the input.

1.3.1 cost

D^{cc}(f) = least cost of protocol for f. For all f we have D^{cc}(f) \le D^{dt}(f)

1.3.2 communication matrix

M_f \in \{0, 1\}^{2^n \times 2^n} where (M_f)_{x, y} = f(x, y)

Protocols of cost c partition M_f into 2^c monochromatic (meaning every output is the same for a rectangle) rectangles (where a rectangle is just a product A \times B of inputs A, B of player one and two)

1.3.3 partition number

part(f) = least number of rectangles in any monochromatic rectangle partition of M_f

D^{cc}(f) \ge \log part(f)

D^{cc}(f) \le (\log part(f))^2

1.3.4 nondeterminism

The protocol on input (x, y):

  1. Guess certificate string w \in \{0, 1\}^s where s is the cost
  2. Verify: accept iff player 1 accepts (x, w) and player 2 accepts (y, w)

Where s is the cost.

N_b^{cc}(f) = least cost of nondeterministic protocol accepting f^{-1}(b) = \{(x, y) : f(x, y) = b\}

D^{cc}(f) \le N_0(f) \cdot N_1(f)