1 randomized complexity

A probabilistic TM has the ability to toss a fair coin: a config has two successor configs, each taken with probability \frac{1}{2}.

Then M(x) is a random variable, where Pr[M(x) = 1] is a fraction of the accepting leaves.

An NTM is like a PTM where the probability of accepting is non-zero.

1.1 bounded-error probabilistic time class

L \in \mathsf{BPTIME}(t(n)) iff there exists a PTM M with runtime O(t(n)) such that for all x, Pr[M(x) = L(x)] \ge \frac{2}{3}

\mathsf{BPP} = \bigcup_{k \in \N} \mathsf{BPTIME}(n^k)

1.2 polynomial identity testing \mathsf{PIT}

The input is a polynomial p(x_1, \cdots, x_n) where the question is whether p(x) \equiv 0. But p is given implicitly by a poly-size arithmetic circuit which has variables in \Z and has gates for addition and multiplication.

1.2.1 Schwartz-Zippel theorem

Suppose p(x) \not \equiv 0 has degree d. Then for any S \subseteq \Z, Pr_{(a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in S^n}[p(a) \ne 0] \ge 1 - \frac{d}{|S|}

1.3 \mathsf{RP}

A language L is in \mathsf{RP} if there exists a poly-time PTM M such that


1.4 \mathsf{ZPP}

A language L is in \mathsf{ZPP} if there exists a PTM M such that
