A counter with the regular property.
correctness: if an operation p1 precedes another op2, then op2 returns a value that is larger than op1
fn wInc()
i = 0
while Reg[i] != 0
if L has been updated n times
return the largest value seen in L
i = i + 1
L = i
Reg[i] = 1
return 1
The same way as non-anonymous snapshot, but using the anonymous counter.
An infinite list of registers Reg{0}[..] and Reg{1}[..] for value 0 and 1 respectively. Initialized to 0.
fn propose(v)
i = 1
while true
if Reg{1-v}[i] == 0
Reg{v}[i] = 1
if i > 1 and Reg{1-v}[i-1] == 0
return v
v = 1 - v
i = i + 1
In a <>synchronous environment.
fn propose(v)
white true
if Reg{1-v}[i] = 0
Reg{v}[i] = 1
if i > 1 and Reg{1-v}[i-1] == 0
return v
else if Reg{v}[i] = 0
v = 1 - v
if v == 1
i = i + 1