RSA cryptosystem

1.1 Euler totient function

\varphi(n) is the number of coprimes to n.

  1. |Z^*_n| = \varphi(n)
  2. for all x \in Z_n we have x \in Z_n^* \iff gcd(x, n) = 1
  3. Z_n is a field \iff Z_n \setminus \{0\} \iff \varphi(n) = n - 1 \iff n is prime
  4. for all x \in Z_n^* we have x^{\varphi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod n
  5. if e such that gcd(e, \varphi(n)) = 1 we let d = e^{-1} \bmod \varphi(n). For all y \in Z_n^*, y^d \bmod n is the only e’th root of y modulo n

1.2 chinese remainder theorem (CRT)

Let m and n be two integers such that gcd(m, n) = 1. For any a, b \in \Z there exists x \in \Z such that

x \equiv a \pmod m

x \equiv b \pmod n

For all such solutions, x \bmod (mn) is unique.

f: Z_{mn} \to Z_m \times Z_n is a group isomorphism f(x) = (x \bmod m, x \bmod n). Then f^{-1}(a, b) = an(n^{-1} \bmod m) + bm(m^{-1} \bmod n) \pmod{mn}

1.2.1 equality modulo composite numbers

For any a, b, m, n \in \Z such that gcd(m, n) = 1 then

\begin{cases} a \equiv b \pmod m \\ a \equiv b \pmod n \\ \end{cases} \iff a \equiv b \pmod{mn}

1.2.2 CRT backwards

Let m, n be two integers such that gcd(m, n) = 1. Let u = n(n^{-1} \bmod m) and v = m(m^{-1} \bmod n) then g: (a, b) \mapsto au + bv \bmod{mn} is a ring isomorphism.

1.3 trial division

Given an integer we output a list of primes whose product is equal to n.

i = 2
x = n
for _ in 2:sqrt(n)
    while i divides x
        output i
        x = x / i
    i = i + 1

if x > 1
    output x

1.4 fermat test

Utilizing the little fermat theorem. Might call something a prime that isn’t a prime.

for _ in 1:k
    b = random(1, n)
    x = b^(n-1) mod n
    if x != 1
        return "not prime"

return "maybe prime"

1.5 carmichael numbers

n is a carmichael number iff it is composite and \forall_{\{a : gcd(a, n) = 1\}} a^{n-1} \equiv 1 \pmod n

1.6 miller-rabin test

We can write n - 1 as 2^st for t odd. When n is prime then b^{n-1} \bmod n = ((b^t)^2\cdots)^2 \bmod n = 1

if n = 2
    return "prime"

if n is even
    return "composite"

n === 2^s * t + 1

for _ in 1:k
    b = random(1, n)
    x = b^t mod n
    i = 0
    if x != 1
        while x != n - 1
            x = x^2 mod n
            i = i + 1
            if i == s or x == 1
                return "composite"

return "maybe prime"

Complexity: O(k\ell^3)

An integer is prime iff it passes the miller-rabin test for all b \in Z_n^*. If more than a quarter of b \in Z_n^* pass the miller-rabin then all b \in Z_n^* do.

So P[\text{output maybe prime}|\text{n composite}] \le 4^{-k}.

1.7 prime number generation

Let p(N) denote the number of prime numbers up till N. Then p(N) \sim \frac{N}{\ln N}. So the chance of a \ell bit number to be prime is \frac{1}{\ell \ln 2}. We then apply miller-rabin test to check if the number is prime. If not, try again. Complexity: O(\ell^4).

If we let k = \frac{1}{2}(\log_2\ell - \log_2\varepsilon) then P[\text{output is not prime}] \le O(\ell) \cdot 4^{-k} = O(\varepsilon)

1.8 RSA cryptosystem

For any x \in \{0, \cdots, N-1\} and any k we have x^{k \varphi(N)+1} \bmod N = x

1.8.1 complexities

RSA with modulus of \ell bits:

1.9 quadratic residuosity

1.9.1 square roots in finite fields

Let K be a finite field. For any x \in K we have x^2 = 1 \implies x = 1 \lor x = -1.

1.9.2 existence

Let p be an odd prime number. Then b \in Z_p^* has a square root if and only if b^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \bmod p = 1. Then b is called a quadratic residue.

1.9.3 Z_p when p \equiv 3 \pmod 4

Let p be a prime number such that p \equiv 3 \pmod 4. For any x \in Z_p we have y^2 \equiv x \pmod p \implies y \equiv x^{\frac{p+1}{4}} \pmod p \lor y \equiv -x^{\frac{p+1}{4}} \pmod p.

1.9.4 Z_n when n = pq

let p and q be two different prime numbers and n = pq. Let x \in Z_n and a and b such that

\begin{aligned} x \equiv a^2 \pmod p \\ x \equiv b^2 \pmod q \\ \end{aligned}

We have

x \equiv y^2 \pmod n \iff \begin{cases} y \equiv \pm a \pmod p \\ y \equiv \pm b \pmod q \\ \end{cases}

1.9.5 legendre symbol

For p an odd prime

\left(\frac{b}{p}\right) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } b \bmod p = 0 \\ 1 & \text{if b is a quadratic residue in } Z_p^* \\ -1 & \text{if b is not a quadratic residue in } Z_p^* \\ \end{cases}

1.9.6 jacobi symbol

For n odd

\left(\frac{b}{n}\right) = \left(\frac{b}{p_1}\right)^{\alpha_1} \cdot \ldots \cdot \left(\frac{b}{p_r}\right)^{\alpha_r}

For the factorization of n.

So b \in Z_p^* is a quadratic residue \iff \left(\frac{b}{p}\right) = 1. So b \in Z_n^* is a quadratic residue \implies \left(\frac{b}{n}\right) = 1.


Algorithm to compute is in O(\ell^2)

1.9.7 the group of quadratic residues (QR)

Let QR_n be the subgroup of Z_n^* of all quadratic residues.

1.10 factoring problem

  1. Gen(1^\lambda) \to n
  2. \mathcal A(n) \to (p, q)
  3. return_{p\cdot q = n \land p, q \in \{2, \cdots, n-1\}}

1.10.1 RSA factoring / RSA square roots

  1. RSA-Gen(1^\lambda) \to n
  2. \mathcal A(n) \to (p, q)
  3. return_{p\cdot q = n \land p, q \in \{2, \cdots, n-1\}}


  1. RSA-Gen(1^\lambda) \to n
  2. pick x \in QR_n
  3. \mathcal A(n, x) \to y
  4. return_{y^2 \bmod n = x}

1.10.2 lemma

y_0, y_1 \in Z_n

\begin{cases} y_0^2 &\equiv y_1^2 \pmod n \\ y_0 &\not\equiv y_1 \pmod n \\ y_0 &\not\equiv -y_1 \pmod n \\ \end{cases} \implies gcd(y_0 - y_1, n) \notin \{1, n\}

1.11 RSA problems

Note: \lambda(n) is the exponent of the group Z_n^*.

RSA-Full \lambda-factoring \implies RSA-Computing order in Z_n^* \implies RSA-Computing \lambda(n) \iff RSA-Factoring.

\begin{gather*} \text{RSADP} \impliedby &\text{RSAKRP}& \impliedby &\text{GOP}& \\ &\Downarrow& &\Updownarrow& \\ &\text{EMP}& \implies &\text{RSAFP}& \\ \end{gather*}

  1. RSADP - decryption problem. Given n, e, y find x
  2. RSAKRP - key recovery problem. Given n, e find d
  3. GOP - group order problem. Given n find \varphi(n)
  4. EMP - exponent multiple problem. Given n find a multiple of \lambda(n)
  5. RSAFP - factorization problem. Given n find p and q