1 abstract interpretation

Abstract domains which approximate concrete domains of programs. Abstract interpretation is used for constructing induction invariants. Programs are seen as control flow graphs (CFG) where possible values are represented as ranges.

Transfer function T(S, c) = sp(S, \rho(c)). We denote T(S, skip) = S for an edge with no label.

Interpreting the CFG and updating edges with the approximating transfer function we get a program annotated in a fashion where all Hoare triples hold.

1.1 lattices

A lattice is a poset where every pair of elements have a unique supremum and infimum. Total order sets are lattices.

1.1.1 least upper bound (supremum)

For a poset (A, \le) the supremum of S \subseteq A is an element M \in A that is the least element of the set \{x | x \text{ is upper bound on } S\}. We denote a binary operation by a_1 \sqcup a_2 = \inf\{a_1, a_2\}. It is associative, commutative, and idempotent.

Similarly a_1 \sqcap a_2 = \sup\{a_1, a_2\} is the greatest lower bound (infimum).

1.1.2 partial orders using maps

Let A be a set of propositional formulas containing only variables p and q. For F \in A we define

[F] = \{(u, v) \in \{0, 1\}^2: F[p := u, q := v]\}

so it is the set of assignments that makes F true. Then we can say F \le G \iff [F] \subseteq [G] to form a poset.

Let (C, \le) be a lattice. Let \gamma: A \to C be the injective concretization function. Let a \sqsubseteq b on A be defined as \gamma(a) \le \gamma(b). Then (A, \sqsubseteq) is a partial order.

1.1.3 complete lattice

A complete lattice is a lattice where every set (including empty and infinite sets) has supremum and infimum.

1.2 monotonic function

A function \alpha : C \to A is monotonic when x \le y \implies \alpha(x) \sqsubseteq \alpha(y) for x, y \in C.

1.3 fixed point

A fixed point of f : A \to A is a point x such that f(x) = x. Also called fixpoint.

For a poset (A, \le) and a monotonic function f : A \to A, we define the set of fixpoints S = \{x : f(x) = x\}. If S has a least element then it is called the least fixpoint. If S has a greatest element then it is called the greatest fixpoint.

1.3.1 Tarski fixed point theorem

\sqcap Post is the least element of Fix. \sqcup Pre is the greatest element of Fix. So complete lattices have fixpoints.

\begin{aligned} a_0 &= \bot \\ a_{n+1} &= f(a_n) \\ \end{aligned}

then a_* = \bigsqcup_{n \le 0} a_n. a_* is a prefix point.

1.4 \omega-continuity

A function G is \omega-continuous if for every chain x_0 \sqsubseteq x_1 \sqsubseteq \cdots \sqsubseteq x_n \sqsubseteq \cdots

G(\bigsqcup_{i \ge 0} x_i) = \bigsqcup_{i \ge 0} G(x_i)

For an \omega-continuous function G, a_* is the least fixpoint of G.

1.5 galois connection

\alpha : C \to A and \gamma : A \to C between partial orders are a Galois connection such that

\forall_{c,a} \alpha(c) \sqsubseteq a \iff c \le \gamma(a)

Equivalently it is a Galois connection iff c \le \gamma(\alpha(c)) and \alpha(\gamma(a)) \sqsubseteq a

1.6 abstract interpretation

Given a CFG (V, E, r) where


  1. design abstract domain A that represents sets of program states
  2. define the concretization function \gamma : A \to C
  3. define lattice ordering \sqsubseteq on A such that a_1 \sqsubseteq a_2 \implies \gamma(a_1) \subseteq \gamma(a_2)
  4. define sp^\# : A \times 2^{S \times S} \to A that maps an abstract element and a CFG statement to a new abstract element such that sp(\gamma(a), r) \subseteq \gamma(sp^\#(a, r)). For example by defining an abstraction function \alpha such that (\alpha, \gamma) becomes a Galois connection. Then sp^\#(a, r) = \alpha(sp(\gamma(a), r))